I will do whatever it takes to support my wife’s dream. I am so often told how amazing it is that we are in this together and how supportive I am. In return I always wonder, how can I not be supportive of her? Where is this expectation that what I do is an anomaly? She is my chosen other half for life and beyond so whatever she is and wherever she is, I am right there 110%.
I remember the very day that Nita and I began this journey together. It was in the parking lot of a Costco in Dallas, TX just around sunset in July of 2015. Nita was wrapping up telling me about her dream to be an influencer and was expressing her frustration that she had no idea how. At that time, I was a data engineer and she was on her way to become a lawyer. We had 2 out of the 3 pillars of Indian occupations covered. Doctor, lawyer, engineer. She didn’t want this standard secure and safe way of life, but what other option was there? Were we both destined for a desk and a 9-5 and start our evenings with ‘how was your day, honey?’ around a dinner table after fighting through soul-leeching traffic? At that moment, I saw that there was another purpose for her.
Nita had a dream, and I was going to do my all to make it happen.
I told her ‘all right then, what are we waiting for?’ and we strolled inside Costco and bought our first camera; having no idea how to use it, what ISO and shutter speed and aperture meant, what the monster learning curve there was lurking for us in the form of Lightroom, and our combined experience in photography only consisting of how to spell the word ‘photography’.
Almost 3 years later, we arrive to today. I have become a photographer, videographer, web designer, data miner, you name it. Almost 3 years later, this is now our dream that we are building together 1 post at a time. It is 2018 and the notion of having a woman be the face of a family business with a supportive husband is still a rarity. It is 2018 and at this point, it shouldn’t be a rarity. Women have every right to be strong and more than able to become successful businesswomen. Nita is an amazing intelligent woman who does not deserve to be in a cramped office, but out in the world connecting with all of our friends and living the occupation that she deserves. People seem almost baffled when they see us together at fashion events and the like but I always wonder why? Why is it so hard to believe that I would be there for my wife and support her with every ounce of my energy? We are 2 halves finally joined together on October 14th, 2016 and for me that is where it ends. I will always love her with every ounce of my being and will do whatever it takes to make sure she is fulfilled and truly happy in every sense of the word. To all the women out there, you have a right to be strong and successful. You have the right to be here. You have the right to be whatever you want to be. I love you my Nita, my forever, my muse, my other half.

Processed with VSCO with c7 preset
This is amazing!!! Keep kicking ass guys.
LOVE this post! So great to see how supportive he is of you. Such a ‘taboo’ thing in the world sometimes still, esp in the south asian culture. Hope you guys have the most success and fun on this journey!!