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Second Trimester Recap

We’re officially past the second trimester!! I can’t even believe how fast this pregnancy is going. I wanted to update you all on some of my 2nd trimester symptoms and overall journey.

Second Trimester Symptoms:

My nausea stayed until about 18 weeks. It’s wild because with Kai, it went away immediately at 12.5 weeks right after first trimester but this time with baby girl it’s lasted way longer. It’s more all-day nausea and there were many instances in a week where I had to rush to the bathroom. My migraines also lingered to until about 17-18 weeks. I feel like I really turned a corner around that time.

A new symptom that popped up is heartburn!! I had it with Kai but not as bad.

My food aversion is way worse this time around too! There’s a lot of things I just can’t eat including Salmon.

After 18 weeks, I’ve been feeling way more like myself though. I found my energy back and the nesting phase officially started! J We are slowly working on the nursery now.


  • Daily Prenatal Multi-Vitamins. I’ve been taking Ritual Prenatal since the start and it’s the one my doctor recommended as well. This prenatal is super gentle on my stomach and it’s been easy taking it even with all my crazy second trimester symptoms. It has a delayed-release capsule meaning its designed to dissolve later, and bypass the stomach to the small intestine, where the nutrient can be easily absorbed.* I really love this because it means I can take it with or without food and don’t feel sick. The ingredients are also traceable so you can see where each ingredient is sourced and why plus Ritual goes above and beyond with third party testing for even more peace of mind. This and that kind of transparency is what I look for when taking vitamins especially because you are taking them every single day and it’s important to know what’s going in your body! You can use code NITA20 to save 20% off your first month of Ritual. I highly recommend their prenatal but they also have multivitamins for every life stage.
  • BELLY BAND!! Oh my gosh—my lower back pain was intense second trimester. I recommend this one.
  • Pregnancy pillow. This one is the same one I used for Kai and I can’t recommend it enough!
  • Easy slip on sneakers. Bending down to put on shoes is tough so having something easy you can slip into is key.
  • Belly oil! I know stretch marks is mostly genetics but it’s important to keep your growing belly hydrated and moisturized because that will still help with overall texture of skin and help reduce some stretch marks overall.
  • Maternity leggings!!! Love these from Kindred so much—they are very comfortable.
  • Comfortable workout bra!

Let me know if you guys used anything else during your second trimester that was helpful to you!! Thank you, Ritual, for sponsoring this blog post. As always, all thoughts and opinions are my own.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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