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#NSALE Early Access: Favorites

Happy Friday loves! As many of you already know, the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale started yesterday!! YAYS! I spent quite a bit of time going through the sale and wanted to share my favorites with you wonderful people! I’ll keep this post short and sweet so y’all can go ahead and scroll through some great steals!!  Hope everyone has an amazing weekend and of course, happy shopping!!

P.S. As mentioned in my previous blog post, you must be a card holder to access this sale early! It officially opens to the public on July 22nd but I highly suggest getting a Nordstrom card because of all the awesome perks! Xo.

J A C K E T S / V E S T S:

T O P S:

D R E S S E S:

S K I R T S / O V E R A L L S / R O M P E R S:

J E A N S:

S H O E S:

F I T N E S S:

H A N D B A G S:

A C C E S S O R I E S:

B E A U T Y:

Until next time, xo.

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