Happy Monday loves! I thought I’d do something a little different this Monday morning and share a little recipe post instead of a fashion/beauty post! Not to worry, there will be more of those this week but I just HAD to share this with you guys ASAP! Now, a lot of you may not know this but I’m not the best cook– not because I’ve tried and I’m terrible at it but because I just don’t enjoy it. My dad is an excellent cook (the best actually) and I was gleefully spoiled because I always got to eat his food for breakfast, lunch and dinner when living at home! However, after a couple months of living the married life, I quickly learned that I need to wife up. My husband thankfully LOVES cooking and so we have a system where most of the time he cooks and I’ll clean. However, I really wanted to make something since my husband and I hosted Christmas at our house this past year! My favorite food ever is mac and cheese – the simplistic theory behind the meal is what really gravitates me towards it! Plus, it’s delicious!! I decided I’d venture out and make my own, from scratch. Guess what you guys, it turned out to be a hit!! I got my father’s approval (along with the rest of my family) and knew I had to make it again!! I made it once more for NYE at a friend’s place and it was a hit again!! I actually received a lot of compliments on the meal from people I didn’t even know at the time–that’s how I knew it was good. I’m not one to hide secret recipes and be all secretive so here it is y’all, my famous mac and cheese recipe!! Trust me, it’s yummy! 🙌
For the Macaroni itself:
•2 teaspoons of salt
•1 lb of macaroni
For the yummy cheese sauce:
•1/2 stick of butter
•1 teaspoon of salt
•4 tablespoons of all-purpose flour
•2 cups of milk
•2 cups of sharp cheddar
• 1 cup of Mexican blend cheese
Bread Crumbs are optional on top before placing the dish in the oven! 😊
I’ve taken some pictures to show the order of which I made this ahhmazing dish!! Feel free to let me know if you have any questions!! Chat soon, loves! 💋

Melt the 1/2 stick of butter, add the salt, all-purpose flour and wait about 3 minutes until it thickens and turns brown. Then add 1 cup of milk.


Add the other cup of milk.

Give the roux some color and add all the cheese.

Add diced jalapeños.

Stir until it thickens. Then add the macaroni you cooked on the side.

Add some red pepper flakes for fun.

Place the final product into the oven for 15 minutes at 350°. I added bread crumbs which is totally optional!