Home » Beauty » Overcoming Insecurities, Hello YouTube! || My Morning Skincare Routine

Overcoming Insecurities, Hello YouTube! || My Morning Skincare Routine

Today has been a long time coming. Two years ago, I wanted to start doing videos and make YouTube a big part of my creative space. I got two videos out from my old channel, and then quit. I didn’t quit out of laziness or lack of interest, I quit because I was too hard on myself. As many of you know, I struggled from bad breakouts and acne scars and I didn’t feel comfortable recording myself and having everyone see me in my element. Photography is very different– it’s very easy to smooth out my scars or random bruises in Lightroom (my photo editing platform). Honestly, I was so worried about my face or body being perfect that I ended up telling myself “ok, let’s see if my skin clears up in a month” and that went on and on until July 2017. Over the last year and a half, I’ve done SO much to help prevent breakouts and diminish acne scarring. I started drinking green smoothies every few days, I worked out more, I changed up my skin regimen, and I started using a really cool microstimulation tool called GloPRO. With the combination of ALL the above, my skin has really transformed for the better. I still do get occasional breakouts, but not as bad as before. I still have some acne scars, but not as bad as before. We’re all human let’s face it, nothing is enough for us!! I want more positive results and I’ll still strive to achieve that goal. However, I’m not letting any more time pass on entering the creative space that YouTube has to offer. So, here we go! My first ever (sorta) video on YouTube is about my morning skincare routine that has been pretty consistent for the last year or year and a half. Every product I talk about is something I truly believe in and that’s what you’ll see in all my videos from here on out. I want to be as real with you guys as possible– I know I’ve said this in my past posts but I have to keep emphasizing it for a) new people on my page and b) to really show you guys I mean it.

P.S. The sound quality is a bit wacky and that’s because after filming, I realized I need a mic!! Newbie over here! 🙋🏻 There are a few kinks the hubs and I need to figure out but if you bear with me the next few videos, I promise it’ll get better! I’m not the best on the tech side of things but I’m learning (I ordered a mic yesterday, hehe). I know I need to work on angles as well and get better lighting. Gosh, there’s so much to learn and so much to buy BUT I really felt it was time to start producing meaningful videos to y’all so here ya go. If you like the video, please let me know!! Like and subscribe if you want to see more, or comment! 🙂 I’d love to hear from you on this new journey of mine!! Oh and if you have any questions about the products I mentioned, let me know babes! Chat soon!!!




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  1. July 20, 2017 / 10:26 AM

    LOVE this! I am still so unsure about the brands to buy when it comes down to a skincare routine. I am so pumped to try these.

  2. absolutelyannie
    July 20, 2017 / 11:17 AM

    Great video! I have been wanting to get into Youtube but have been nervous as well. I want to try that cleanser!

  3. July 20, 2017 / 7:14 PM

    Such a great post! Love your transparency and honesty. Many of us struggle with acne, it’s encouraging to know it will get better. Excited to check out your video. Congrats on hanging in there and your dreams coming true!

  4. Nataly
    July 20, 2017 / 7:23 PM

    Great video girl! YouTube can be super intimidating!

  5. triplyksis
    July 21, 2017 / 1:08 AM

    Video definitely intimidates you. Kudos to you for conquering your fears and putting yourself out there! <3

  6. Annette
    July 25, 2017 / 8:35 AM

    You did great girl. YT can be intimidating but keep at it!

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