You guys!! I finally got a NEW PHONE yesterday and yes, I ordered the iPhone X even though when I took the poll on Instagram Stories most of you told me to get the iPhone 8+ instead?! 🙈 I’m having some iMessage issues so I spoke with AppleCare and was told to wait 24 hours…so that’s that. It also took me FOREVER to get transfer all my stuff from my old phone to my new phone– hence the late post today. ANYWAY. It’s a new day and I’m ready to rock it!!
It’s been one day with my iPhone X so I thought I’d at least share my thoughts with you guys– at least within the last 24 hours?! I’m going to make a list of pros/cons so this post is an easy read for those that are interested in getting the X.
- Face ID: This surprisingly works really well! It barely takes a second to unlock using Face ID and so far has worked for me every time. Granted, I haven’t tried it with sunglasses or anything but I imagine that would cause a problem!
- The Screen: I mean, it’s huge. I can definitely get used to this!
- Animojis: I can’t deny it; this is actually pretty fun! Emojis using your face? How cool is that!
- Missing Home Button: I actually thought this would be a negative for me but I kind of like the phone without it! I’m already getting used to swiping up instead of clicking a button– it’s a lot cleaner and I like the minimalist look! Obviously, I’m still finding myself double clicking where the home button should be just because of muscle memory, so it’ll take time to adjust.
- Portrait Lighting: Woohooo do I even need my Canon anymore?! JK, I still do but I really like the camera on the iPhone X. I had the iPhone 6 and let’s be real, the camera sucks. If you have the iPhone 7 or 8, I feel like camera is still pretty comparable to those two and you may not see a huge difference but from the 6, it’s amazing! I love the special effects and how blurry backgrounds can get with just this phone. Super great for quick on-to-go #ootd shots!
- Cost: Lucky for me, T-Mobile was running a promotion where you get $300 back if you do a 24/mo payment plan and send in your old phone so I was lucky to at least lower the cost with that deal! I would not have paid full price for it, that’s for sure!
- The Notch: I’ve only had the phone for 24 hours so you can definitely say I’m not used to that black notch across the top of the screen; it’s prominent for sure and can be pretty annoying. I haven’t found that it interrupted anything but it being there just bothers me– I’m also very slow when it comes to adapting to change so some of you may not have an issue with it!
- All Glass: I don’t know who thought this was a good idea. I’m like deathly afraid to use my phone right now because it feels so fragile! My new phone case comes in tomorrow so I’m being extra careful for now but this thing feels like it’ll break in a second!! Good thing for AppleCare, right (that also costs extra $$$ by the way, lol).
- OLED display: So I thought this would be a good thing but I’m running into an issue where my screen is oddly… yellow? I read into this and apparently a lot of people are reporting this very issue. I’ve played with the color tint on my phone but I can’t seem to get rid of the yellow hue. I’ll be calling Apple to see what my options are because given that I have to edit my photos on a regular basis, I’m not cool with this strange new display!
- I don’t have a 5th con quite yet. I wanted to have 5 pros and 5 cons because I’m particular like that but these are the only 4 negatives I can think of within the last 24 hours!
I hope this helps if you’re looking into getting the X! As I was writing this post, my iMessage stopped working again so now I’m going to go take care of that, lol. #firstworldproblems. I’ll be spending most of today packing for Dallas (WOO!), handling a few meetings, and getting my face lasered. More on that later! I hope you all have a great Tuesday!
Looks great!
The iPhone X sounds amazing. I have a 7. Hopefully the price will come down on the X next year. I still have one year on my contract with the 7 haha. Love your outfit, that plaid top is so cute!
stunning pictures! I love to hear your thoughts about this new phone. It is always hard for me to bite the bullet and buy one lol!!
I don’t think I’ll ever buy an iPhone, but I do like the idea of face ID. That’s great! And I love phones with wonderful cameras on them.
OMG I love this top on you!! So feminine!
How 2 Wear It []
I just got the X too and am really annoyed with the camera… I kinda miss my 7 plus camera honestly! I tried taking some simple iPhone shots with the X and they came out wayyyyy too vibrant and edited looking! I need to mess with some of the settings more I think!
I thought about getting the X but opted for the 8 instead! So many great options.
-xo, Azanique |
Loved this quick review! My boyfriend just got one on Monday and is obsessed!
OMG. This post is great! My poor iPhone 6+ is on its last leg and I’ve been looking to upgrade. I’m pretty sure I’ll get the iPhone 10, but in a few more months when they iron out the issues. This was super informative though – I admit, I didn’t realize it had face recognition, an annoying notch across the top or colour hue problems!
Really appreciate your candid review of the phone. I am due for an upgrade. P.S. Your outfit is so cute! xo
Love your review of this phone! Also your outfit is gorgeous!!
xoxo, Hannah
Love hearing the pros and cons of the new X!